Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Happy Valentine's Day!" -- Make it the Best Ever

Guys -- Would you like a suggestion for creating a Valentine's Day evening for your wife or significant other that she will never forget?

1. It should be a total surprise, but you will want to be sure she arrives at the appointed time.
2. Meet her at the door and blindfold her.
3. Lead her to the bathroom filled with lit candles, soft music, and a hot bubblebath. The tub should already be filled with hot (but not too hot) water brimming with bubbles. The overhead lights should either be turned down real low or completely off. The candles will provide enough soft light. {This is all so easy to do.}
4. Once she is settled into the soothing bath, bring her a nice glass of wine.
5. After about 15 minutes, bring her a warm towel and robe (they can be warmed up in a short time in the clothes dryer, 5-10 minutes on high)
6. Blindfold her again and lead her into the dining room with more soft music, and the table set with candles, your nicest dishes, and the dinner of your choice. (If you don't have time to cook or simply do not like to cook, you can order a takehome dinner and warm it up. Make it special with a small salad first and dessert afterwards.) Another glass of wine with dinner would also be nice.
7. This is not the time to send her to the kitchen to clean up either (that would spoil the mood). Put the dishes in the dishwasher or sink. Let her relax. Keep the music going, dance, or watch a good movie together; just make it fun and relaxing.

You can make the evening as easy or elaborate as you want; regardless, this will be a Valentine's Day that you both will talk about for years to come. And you might even decide to make it a Valentine's Day ritual that will keep the sparks lit for the rest of your lives.


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