Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Few Snippets!

I can't believe it is already September 2011. Where does the time go? This has been a year of ups and downs, though I guess that isn't so different from life in general, regardless of the year. I prefer to focus on the ups and give little credence to the downs, being the eternal optimist by nature. Perry has seem some growth this past year with a couple of new restaurants in town. The real estate market has improved greatly last year and this year insofar as the ability of folks to purchase homes and investment properties at reasonable prices. We have had our share of foreclosures in town and at the beaches, though not to the extent that many other areas of Florida have seen.

The Reserve at Sweetwater Estuary has not yet begun development, presumeably waiting until the economy sees more recovery. When that project does take off, you can expect to see people waiting in line again to purchase property along this quaint little coastline.

If you want to purchase coastal property, or any other property for that matter, now is the time, while the prices and interest rates are low. Happy shopping!

For now, ciao!